PETSc, pronounced PET-see (the S is silent), is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It supports MPI, shared memory pthreads, and NVIDIA GPUs, as well as hybrid MPI-shared memory pthreads or MPI-GPU parallelism.
- Scientific applications that use PETSc
- TAO - Toolkit for Advanced Optimization
- SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problems
- fluidity - a finite element/volume fluids code
- OpenFVM - finite volume based CFD solver
- OOFEM - object oriented finite element library
- libMesh - adaptive finite element library
- MOOSE - Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment developed at INL built on top of libmesh on top of PETSc
- FEniCS - sophisticated Python based finite element simulation package
- DEAL.II - sophisticated C++ based finite element simulation package
- PHAML - The Parallel Hierarchical Adaptive MultiLevel Project
- Chaste - Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment
- PyClaw - A massively parallel, high order accurate, hyperbolic PDE solver
- PetIGA - A framework for high performance Isogeometric Analysis
- petsc4py from Lisandro Dalcin at CIMEC
- Elefant from the SML group at NICTA
- jpetsctao from Hannes Sommer
- Packages that PETSc can optionally use
- Features of the PETSc libraries (and a recent podcast)
- Linear system solvers accessible from PETSc
- Related packages that use PETSc
Python Bindings
Java Bindings
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