GeoPDEs software
GeoPDEs is a suite of software tools for research on Isogeometric Analysis of PDEs. It provides a common and flexible framework for implementing and testing new isogeometric methods in different application areas. GeoPDEs is written in Octave and fully compatible with Matlab.
The suite consists of a set of interrelated packages. The main package, geopdes_base, defines the basic data-structures and methods, and should also serve as an entry point for understanding the implementation of an Isogeometric Analysis code.
Other packages deal with applications in linear elasticity, fluid mechanics andelectromagnetism. A package specifically meant to allow handling multipatch NURBS geometries is also available.
Download and installation
New releases of GeoPDEs may appear from time to time, either for adding new features to the original code, or for fixing bugs. If you want to receive information about new releases, please subscribe to the mailing list of GeoPDEs users.
The most recent version of GeoPDEs includes many changes to improve the efficiency, and also some important bug-fixes. We strongly recommend you to keep your software updated. A list of all the changes up to date can be found in the release notes.
The code has been released along with an article [dFRV11] explaining its architecture, its design and its main features, and providing various usage examples. We have also prepared a new preprint version that explains the changes included in GeoPDEs 2.0.0, and how the examples were upgraded to this version. It is always possible to download the journal version of the paper, but this one will not be updated.
Although it is not a complete documentation, the paper can be read as a brief user's guide. The preprint version also contains some useful tables that summarize the most important information. More detailed help can be found in the documentation page.
GeoPDEs is now being mainly developed and maintained by Rafael Vázquez (IMATI-CNR).The conception of the software, its development and maintenance has been funded by the European Research Council through the FP7 Ideas Starting Grant: GeoPDEs - Innovative compatible discretization techniques for Partial Differential Equations, under the coordination of Annalisa Buffa (IMATI-CNR).
Very important contributions have been made by Carlo de Falco and Alessandro Reali. The following people have also contributed to the development of GeoPDEs, either by writing lines of code, testing the packages, or giving some advice: Andrea Bressan, Annalisa Buffa, Durkbin Cho, Timo Lähivaara, Massimiliano Martinelli, Marco Pingaro, Giancarlo Sangalli.
Some of our contributors have received additional support from the two following grants:FP7 Ideas Starting Grant: ISOBIO - Isogeometric Methods for Biomechanics, coordinated by Alessandro Reali, and FIRB Futuro in Ricerca (MIUR Grant) RBFR08CZ0S - Discretizzazioni Isogeometriche per la Meccanica del Continuo, coordinated by Giancarlo Sangalli.
GeoPDEs is free (as in "free speech") software released under the terms of the GNU GPL license (v3).
How to contribute
GeoPDEs has been developed as a part of our research, and it is funded by our respective institutions. The best way to support us is by citing our work [dFRV11] in any paper where GeoPDEs is used to obtain results.
We also encourage contributions that can help to improve the code or the documentation, and to make GeoPDEs more useful. See the contributions page for details.
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