Monday, October 6, 2014

Solve license server and client problems

By default, the FLEXlm license manager will use random ports chosen whenever it's started. To use a static port number for the communication between Maple and the FLEXlm license manager, the following changes will need to be made:

On the server (maple.lic) – add the static port number to the end of the SERVER line. For example, if you wish to always use port 27000:

SERVER [servername] hostid 27000

On the clients (license.dat) – add the static port number to the end of the SERVER line. In this example, the license.dat file in the Maple license folders would look like:

SERVER [servername] ANY 27000


Once a static port number is chosen the firewall can be configured to allow communication on this port.

There is a second port number used on the license server itself for communication between the FLEXlm license manager and the maplelmg vendor daemon. This is not usually an issue, since firewalls typically do not block communication on the local machine. However, if you would like this port number to be static as well, you will need to make the following change on the server only:

On the server (maple.lic) – add the second static port number to the end of the VENDOR line with the port option. For example:

VENDOR maplelmg PORT=27010

The first change will ensure that FLEXlm always uses the same port number to communicate with the Maple installations. The second change will ensure that the same port number is used internally on the license server for the communication between FLEXlm and the vendor daemon. Please ensure that your server's firewall allows connections on these two ports.

add allowed portal in firewall:  edit /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Add following lines to allow <port> in TCP/UDP
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 27000 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 27000 -j ACCEPT

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