Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Vi/vim linux text editor, useful tip

sudo apt-get install vim , to install the vim package

>> vi text.txt          use this command at the termimal
>> vi -r text.txt      open recovery unsaved file from previous work
Turn on color syntax for vi/vim permanent
$ cd ~     go to home directory
$ vi .vimrc
in editing of file    ".vimrc"
syntax on
colorscheme morning

Options: morning, peachpuff, blue, murphy, ron, zellner, darkblue, desert, koehler, and shine

vi is case-sensitive

Main/ Command Mode
Esc         to escape from editor mode

:           to move the cursor to the bottom of the screen
: set nu
: set number                to show the line numbers
: set nonumber            to hiden the line numbers
: syntax on                   turn on syntax highlight in editor
: syntax off                   turn off syntax highlight in editor
: colorscheme elflord   change colorscheme
Options: morning, peachpuff, blue, murphy, ron, zellner, darkblue, desert, koehler, and shine

0                       move cursor to the beginning of the line
$                       move cursor to the end of the line

1G                    move cursor to the beginning of the file, line 1
:0 + Enter       move cursor to the beginning of the file, line 1
NG                   move cursor to the N number of lines of the file
:N + Enter      move cursor to the N number of lines of the file  
G                      move cursor to the end of the file, the last line
:$ + Enter       move cursor to the end of the file, the last line 

: f                     display current file name and line number

k                       move cursor up
j                        move cursor down
h                       move cursor up
l                        move cursor to the right

w                      move cursor to the beginning letter of the next word
b                       move cursor to the beginning letter of the previous word

                       undo previous

dd                      delete current line
dNd or Ndd      delete current and next N (number) lines
D                       delete the rest of the line from the current cursor
dw                     delete the word within cursor

yy                      copy current line
yNy or Nyy       copy current and next N (number) lines

p                        paste

EDITOR / INSER mode : 
            press "i" to go to this mode 
            press "Esc" to go back to the command mode

i                      to go to editor mode at the current cursor position
I                      to go to editor mode at the beginning of the line content a cursor

:q! + Enter       to quit or exit without saving
:wq! + Enter   to save and exit
:x + Enter        to quit and write

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