Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Marie Curie PhD fellowships - Mathematical Modelling in Oceanography

The University of Leeds, Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences is accepting applications for:

Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers (PhD positions) in Mathematical Modelling

Fixed term for 36 months, subject to signed contract being received from the European Commission.

SURFS-UP: Freak Waves and Breaking Wave Impact on Offshore Structures 

You will carry out research and participate in the activities of “SURFS-UP: Freak Waves and Breaking Wave Impact on Offshore Structures”, a new Marie Curie European Industry Doctorate project (EID) devoted to the science of breaking waves and their impact on offshore wind farms.

An Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position is a Marie Curie Fellowship for postgraduate research, and concerns study towards a doctoral degree (PhD).  ESRs are normally based outside the country of their nationality, in this case concerning study in both the UK and The Netherlands.  The EID project provides an excellent opportunity for scientific and personal development, with regular training courses in scientific and general transferable skills both at the University of Leeds, in the UK, and the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), in the Netherlands. There is also the chance to meet and discuss problems with leading scientists in the field (including several international visiting scientists).

You will have a Personal Career Development Plan, designed with the supervisors from Leeds and MARIN at the beginning of the fellowship, covering training needs (including complementary skills) and scientific objectives.  The first 18 months will be spent at the University of Leeds, followed by an EU-secondment of 18 months at MARIN (totalling 36 months). There is also a potential opportunity for the ESRs to be employed and funded by MARIN for a subsequent 6 months following the 36 month appointment at Leeds.
Two research topics are available at the University of Leeds.  The first is a computational/mathematical modelling project on variational water wave models and freak waves (variational water wave models and pyramidal freak waves). The second is a fluid dynamical modelling/numerical project focussing on breaking waves and hydro-elastic response of offshore wind turbines (wave slamming by breaking waves).

You must be eligible to be appointed as an Early Stage Researcher in the UK. European and International applications are welcomed; however nationals or residents of the UK and The Netherlands can only apply when they were outside these countries for more than 24 months in the last three years.  Applications for women, who are currently under-represented in this area, will be particularly welcome; however, the final recruitment decision will be based solely on merit.

You will be offered a salary plus allowances in line with the Marie Curie Framework 7 requirements for Early Stage Researchers.

The ESR salary is fixed at €51,072 per year, plus allowances, which will be paid in Sterling using an appropriate conversion rate. Any subsequent employment with MARIN following the 36 month appointment at Leeds will be financed separately by MARIN. 

Closing Date: 6 May 2014

Ref: MAPMA0067

Job Description

Responsible to: Head of School of Mathematics 
Reports to: Prof. Onno Bokhove (University of Leeds) or Dr. Tim Bunnik (MARIN)

Main duties and responsibilities 

The first PhD project “Variational water wave models and pyramidal freak waves”
involves the following duties:

To perform original research, at a level suitable for a PhD, under the supervision of the project managers, consistent with the research plans of “Variational water wave models and pyramidal freak waves”, including:
  • To become an expert in nonlinear wave modeling using applied mathematics, finite element methods and wave modeling. This will include validation against wave tank data in a maritime research environment 
  • To integrate a (discontinuous Galerkin) finite element wave solver with a beach in a vertical plane using our potential flow wave solver for intermediate to deep water and a shallow water wave solver at the beach 
  • To include wave-makers, bottom topography and beaches into the wave solver and validate these simulations against MARIN‟s laboratory test data 
  • To extend these wave models and validations to three dimensions with a simplified treatment in the vertical 
  • The PhD student will be closely involved in defining/participating in wave tank experiments at MARIN, including freak waves such as the (bore-)soliton-splash 

The second PhD project “Wave slamming by breaking waves” involves the following duties:

To perform original research, at a level suitable for a PhD, under the supervision of the project managers, consistent with the research plans of “Wave slamming by breaking waves”, including:

  • To become an expert in nonlinear wave modeling and hydro-elastic theory using applied mathematics and finite element methods. This will include validation against experimental wave tank data in a maritime research environment 
  • To formulate a mixture theory model of wave breaking for the air and water phase in an approximate model, and such that the model reduces to our potential wave model in non-breaking seas 
  • To formulate this mathematical mixture theory model numerically and implement it, initially in a vertical plane with (discontinuous Galerkin) finite element numerical techniques 
  • To simulate nonlinear breaking wave impact with this mathematical/numerical mixture theory on elastic structures, and calculate the elastic response to wave slamming, initially in two dimensions 
  • To extend this hydro-elastic model to three dimensions with a simplified, efficient treatment in the vertical and start investigating this modeling for wave slamming on offshore wind turbines
  • The PhD student will be closely involved in defining/participating in wave tank experiments at MARIN
General duties for both projects include:
  • To meet with your supervisor(s) on a regular basis
  • To pass progression requirements at various points during your studies and meet all other School, Faculty and University requirements for PhD studies
  • To participate in the activities of the SURFS-UP European Industry Doctorate project, including attending training courses, collaborating with scientists from other sites in the network, exchanging scientific data, participating in visits to other sites 
  • To take responsibility for furthering your personal knowledge of the research area in which you will work 
  • To write up the results of your own research and contribute to research reports/publications.  This will often be an iterative process, building in advice and guidance from others as appropriate 
  • To present findings of research e.g. prepare papers, make presentations with guidance and advice as appropriate 
  • To keep records of activities undertaken (including leaves of absence)
Person Specification
  • An undergraduate (BSc honours or MSc) degree (minimum 2:1 or above, or equivalent) in a relevant discipline, e.g. Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, with relevant theoretical and computational experience 
  • You will satisfy the eligibility requirements for an Early Stage Researcher under the European Commission Framework 7 Early Stage Training Scheme; in particular, you should be eligible to be appointed as an Early Stage Researcher in the UK
  • To meet the University‟s requirements in English as a foreign language if not a native speaker.
  • Excellent communication skills, including written
  • Ability to work as part of a team
  • Motivated to work in multidisciplinary environments (mathematics and maritime engineering)
  • A willingness to undertake an EU-secondment of 18 months at MARIN 
  • Excellent promise as a researcher in mathematical modelling
  • Familiarity of fluid dynamics, numerical solutions methods and/or wave modelling will be an advantage

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Java on linux and internet brower : chrome / firefox

Install java add on firefox / google chrome
  1. Go to and click on the Download button,
Java for Linux Platforms
The instructions below are for installing version Java 7 Update 7 (7u7). If you are installing another version, make sure you change the version number appropriately when you type the commands at the terminal. Example: For Java 6u35 replace 7u7 with 6u35. Note that, as in the preceding example, the version number is sometimes preceded with the letter u, and sometimes it is preceded with an underbar, for example, jre1.7.0_07.

  1. Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type:
    cd <directory path name>
    For example, to install the software in the /usr/java/ directory, Type:
    cd /usr/java/

    Note about root access: To install Java in a system-wide location such as /usr/local, you must login as the root user to gain the necessary permissions. If you do not have root access, install the Java in your home directory or a sub directory for which you have write permissions
  2. Move the .tar.gz archive binary to the current directory.
  3. Unpack the tarball and install Java
    tar zxvf jre-7u7-linux-i586.tar.gz

    The Java files are installed in a directory called jre1.7.0_07 in the current directory.
    In this example, it is installed in the /usr/java/jre1.7.0_07 directory.
  4. Delete the .tar.gz file if you want to save disk space.
Google Chrome
  • Become the root user by running the su command and then enter the super-user password. Type:
    sudo -s
  • Create a directory called plugins if you do not have it. Type:
    mkdir -p /opt/google/chrome/plugins
  • Go to Google chrome plugins directory before you make the symbolic link. Type:
    cd /opt/google/chrome/plugins
  • Create a symbolic link. Type:
    ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0/lib/amd64/
  • Restart your browser and test Java
Mozilla Firefox
  • Become the root user by running the su command and then enter the super-user password. Type:
    sudo -s
  • Create a directory called plugins if you do not have it. Type:
    mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
  • Go to Google chrome plugins directory before you make the symbolic link. Type:
    cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
  • Create a symbolic link. Type:
    ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0/lib/amd64/
  • or  sudo ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_55/lib/i386/ (use/lib/mozilla/plugins)
  • or  sudo ln -s /usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/lib/i386/
  • or sudo ln -s ./jdk1.7.0/jre/lib/i386/   (32 bit)
  • Restart your browser and test Java

Friday, April 25, 2014

Urgent PhD scholarship in School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Structures, at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Urgent PhD scholarship available in School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Structures, at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(may have less computational mechanics)
Looking for a high score GRE/ GATE student, planning for higher study (PhD program) in Singapore. If any of your student is willing then ask them to contact me by Tuesday evening (29/APRIL/2014).
Program Details : Research-PhD
Scholarship: $S 2000 to 2200 per month for 4 years.
Selection: good scores /CGPA/ GATE/ GRE
Require: BEng/M.Tech /M.S from good institute (All countries are eligible)
Final selection: Interview- Skype.
Contact email: or or

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Screen Print, Video recorder, Image/ Video Converter in Linux, Ubuntu

Shutter program
mencoder (MPlayer's Movie Encoder) 
GTK Record My Desktop

Imagemagick to capture the screen in linux, Ubuntu

How to capture screen in Ubuntu

Install : $ sudo apt-get install imagemagick  

Capture whole screen: $ import -window root Image.png

Capture selected window: $ import Image.png

Capture frame: $ import -frame Pictures/Image.png

Capture selected window and resize: $ import -resize 320 -pause 3 Image.png

Convert video format .ogv to avi or mp4 

ffmpeg -i my-demo-video.ogv -vcodec mpeg4 -sameq -acodec libmp3lame my-demo-video.avi

ffmpeg -i out.ogv -vcodec libx264 -vpre medium -crf 24 -threads 0 -acodec copy foo.mkv

ffmpeg -i out.ogv -vcodec libx264 -vpre medium -crf 24 -threads 0 -acodec libfaac foo.mp4

Convert many files using shell
# ovg2avi - Covert ovg to avi
# Author: Vivek Gite <> Under GPL 2.0+
# -------------------------------------------------------

   echo -e "$@"
   exit 1

[ $# -eq 0 ] && die "Usage: $0 input.ovg\n\tI will convert .ovg file to .avi format."
[ ! -f "$input" ] && die "Error $input file not found."

if [ -f "$output" ]
read -p "Warning output file $output exists. Overwrite (y/n)? " ans
case $ans in
y|Y|YES|Yes) mencoder "${input}" -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o "${output}";;


Covert many file using bash
for o in *.ogv
   /path/to/ovg2avi "$o"


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cygwin: Using Linux in Window

Cygwin: Get that Linux feeling - on Windows

Cygwin is:
  • a large collection of GNU and Open Source tools which provide functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows.      
  • a DLL (cygwin1.dll) which provides substantial POSIX API functionality.

To install the new package: Run setup.exe again and select the desired package, tick on "Src?" square
Select “Install from Internet”

cygpath                Convert Unix and Windows format paths, or output system path information 
cygcheck             List system information, check installed packages, or query package database.
cygcheck -l test    list all file contain "test"
cygcheck -c  \      Check package and version number
dumper                Dump core from WIN32PID to FILENAME.core
getconf                Get configuration values

C/C++, Fortran, compiler with cygwin
- "gcc", "gdb", and "make" in the search separately to find the package, select the desired package
- it usually locates at "Devel" (development)
- $ g++ -v      : after instaled, go to cygwin terminal  to check whether gcc was installed
- $ cygcheck -c bash binutils bzip2 cygwin gcc-core gcc-g++ gcc-java gzip  m4 make unzip zip
                        check the package need for gcc
cygcheck -c  \
$ g++ --version   check g++ version   
$ gcc --version   check  gcc version 
- $ gcc -c program.c -o program      try to compile a file

ERRORS and problems solving
- vi/ vim error in Cygwin: error with backspace, arrow,  type "vim" in select packages> Search. Then select package: "vim", "gvim", "vim-common", "vim-minimal", "vim-debuginfo"
cp /usr/share/vim/vim7/vimrc_example.vim  ~/.vimrc
$ vim file.txt    use vim instead of vi, or u can make a short cut in .bashrc

Thursday, April 10, 2014

K3DSurf: visualize Mathematical models in 3, 4, 5 and 6 dimensions

K3DSurf is a free program to visualize and manipulate Mathematical models in three, four, five and six dimensions. K3DSurf supports Parametric equations and Isosurfaces.


Studying mathematical surfaces with K3DSurf include doing:
  1. Interactive visualization with mouse events (Right: Rotate, Middle: translate and left: Scale).
  2. Real time animation (rotation) and morph (by the introduction of t_time variable). Animation and morph can also be monitored by controls that affect the CPU usage and t_time step.
  3. Creat screenshots by copying the draw window or by using the best ray tracer on the net: Povray.
    Creat movie scene is also supported
  4. Generat Mesh files that describe the shape of the mathematical model.
    Supported formats are:
    1. Povscript : Povray is the best ray tracer available on the net...and it's free.
    2. VRML2: to use with the majority of current browsers via an appropriate plug-in.
    3. OBJ: a well-known file format supported by the majority of 3D applications (Blender, MAYA and Moray...).

K3DSurf Usage

K3DSurf can be used by every one interested in 3D Mathematical drawing functions and don't require any special competences by users. Most of the work was done with the intention to make K3DSurf as simple as possible but without any harm of it's efficiency: 
  1. K3DSurf program is developed for being used by beginner users with low level degree in Mathematical science simply by testing examples (more than 50) given with it and by rendering them with Povray.
    Add/remove some functions from equations and visualize new results is the best way to understand 3D mathematical functions behaviours.
  2. 2D and 3D Designers: Pov scripts (and other file formats) generated by K3DSurf can also be integrated in complicated scenes. Adding textures to mesh objects under Povray, for examples, is straightforward.
  3. Teachers and height level students can study very complicated surfaces with K3DSurf. 4D/5D hyperobjects is another field where talented competences can give their best to discover new entity with artefacts that are not obvious to understand for a neophyte. 
Creating equations to represent specific shapes can be somewhat tricky and require experiences in both Mathematic field and 3D programing but the most "experience demanding", I think, is the creation of specific equations with specific behaviors when rotating in Hyperspace (4D/5D). 

Parametric Surface/curve :

K3DSurf use parametric descriptions of it's physical models. The parametric method of representing surfaces/curves uses a function to map some portion of R2 (the domain) to a patch of the surface in R3.
Because any position in the plane, and thus any position on the surface patch, can be uniquely given by two coordinates, the surface is said to be parameterized by those coordinates.
Parametric equations can be either “Implicit” or “Explicit”:
     ** Explicit equations:
         In an explicit equations, x, y, and z are each given by separate functions of parameters u and v.
         Example: X =u, Y = u+v, Z = cos(u+v)
     ** Implicit equations: Right now, only implicit equations like Z^n = f(X,Y) with (n mod 2 = 1) are supported by K3DSurf.
         Example: Z = exp(x^2 + y^2), Z^7 = exp(x*cos(y))...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Vi/vim linux text editor, useful tip

sudo apt-get install vim , to install the vim package

>> vi text.txt          use this command at the termimal
>> vi -r text.txt      open recovery unsaved file from previous work
Turn on color syntax for vi/vim permanent
$ cd ~     go to home directory
$ vi .vimrc
in editing of file    ".vimrc"
syntax on
colorscheme morning

Options: morning, peachpuff, blue, murphy, ron, zellner, darkblue, desert, koehler, and shine

vi is case-sensitive

Main/ Command Mode
Esc         to escape from editor mode

:           to move the cursor to the bottom of the screen
: set nu
: set number                to show the line numbers
: set nonumber            to hiden the line numbers
: syntax on                   turn on syntax highlight in editor
: syntax off                   turn off syntax highlight in editor
: colorscheme elflord   change colorscheme
Options: morning, peachpuff, blue, murphy, ron, zellner, darkblue, desert, koehler, and shine

0                       move cursor to the beginning of the line
$                       move cursor to the end of the line

1G                    move cursor to the beginning of the file, line 1
:0 + Enter       move cursor to the beginning of the file, line 1
NG                   move cursor to the N number of lines of the file
:N + Enter      move cursor to the N number of lines of the file  
G                      move cursor to the end of the file, the last line
:$ + Enter       move cursor to the end of the file, the last line 

: f                     display current file name and line number

k                       move cursor up
j                        move cursor down
h                       move cursor up
l                        move cursor to the right

w                      move cursor to the beginning letter of the next word
b                       move cursor to the beginning letter of the previous word

                       undo previous

dd                      delete current line
dNd or Ndd      delete current and next N (number) lines
D                       delete the rest of the line from the current cursor
dw                     delete the word within cursor

yy                      copy current line
yNy or Nyy       copy current and next N (number) lines

p                        paste

EDITOR / INSER mode : 
            press "i" to go to this mode 
            press "Esc" to go back to the command mode

i                      to go to editor mode at the current cursor position
I                      to go to editor mode at the beginning of the line content a cursor

:q! + Enter       to quit or exit without saving
:wq! + Enter   to save and exit
:x + Enter        to quit and write

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reference/ bibliography: bibtex, endnote, jabref, mendeley