Friday, January 31, 2014

Postgraduate courses Master, PhD in Numerical Methods, Computational Mechanics

  • Stuttgart, COMMAS, Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures,
  • Munich,
  • Erasmus Mundus,
  • TU Delft,  1) Aerospace Engineering; 2) the European Wind Energy  Link
  • Hochschule Landshut - University of Applied Sciences, Applied Computational Mechanics, Link
  • Swansea, MSc Computer Modelling and Finite Elements in Engineering Mechanics, Link
  • Centrale Nantes, Ecole Navale Best, AMASONE (Atlantic Master on Ship Operation & Naval Engineering)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

CONTAM & CFD0 Editor: indoor air quality and ventilation analysis

CONTAM is a multizone indoor air quality and ventilation analysis computer program designed to help you determine:
  • (a) airflows: infiltration, exfiltration, and room-to-room airflows in building systems driven by mechanical means, wind pressures acting on the exterior of the building, and buoyancy effects induced by the indoor and outdoor air temperature difference.
  • (b) contaminant concentrations: the dispersal of airborne contaminants transported by these airflows; transformed by a variety of processes including chemical and radio-chemical transformation, adsorption and desorption to building materials, filtration, and deposition to building surfaces, etc.; and generated by a variety of source mechanisms, and/or
  • (c) personal exposure: the predictions of exposure of occupants to airborne contaminants for eventual risk assessment.
CONTAM can be useful in a variety of applications. Its ability to calculate building airflows is useful to assess the adequacy of ventilation rates in a building, to determine the variation in ventilation rates over time and the distribution of ventilation air within a building, and to estimate the impact of envelope air tightening efforts on infiltration rates. The prediction of contaminant concentrations can be used to determine the indoor air quality performance of a building before it is constructed and occupied, to investigate the impacts of various design decisions related to ventilation system design and building material selection, and to assess the indoor air quality performance of an existing building. Predicted contaminant concentrations can also be used to estimate personal exposure based on occupancy patterns in the building being studied. Exposure estimates can be compared for different assumptions of ventilation rates and source strengths.
The CFD0 Editor software enables you to define and view a CFD domain for detailed airflow and contaminant transport analysis. You can use it to define a CFD domain for either internal-zone or external-zone coupling with an associated multizone CONTAM model, or to define a stand-alone CFD domain for separate analysis with the zero-equation computational fluid dynamics software CFD0 that is provided along with the CFD0 Editor. CFD0 Editor provides for the definition of the domain, grid and boundary conditions and also allows you to view simulation results within a three-dimensional representation of the domain.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

CFD General Notation System (CGNS)

The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a general, portable, and extensible standard for the storage and retrieval of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis data. It consists of a collection of conventions, and free and open software implementing those conventions. It is self-descriptive, machine-independent, well-documented, and administered by an international steering committee. It is also an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Recommended Practice.
The system consists of two parts: (1) a standard format for recording the data, and (2) software that reads, writes, and modifies data in that format.  The format is a conceptual entity established by the documentation; the software is a physical product supplied to enable developers to access and produce data recorded in that format.

The CGNS system is designed to facilitate the exchange of data between sites and applications, and to help stabilize the archiving of aerodynamic data.  The data are stored in a compact, binary format and are accessible through a complete and extensible library of functions.  The API (Application Program Interface) is platform independent and can be easily implemented in C, C++, Fortran and Fortran90 applications.

How can CGNS help you?

It improves the longevity (archival quality) of data
It makes it easier to share data files between sites and collaborators
It is easily extendible to include almost any type of additional data you can think of
The CGNS project originated in 1994 as a joint effort between Boeing and NASA, and has since grown to include many other contributing organizations worldwide. In 1999, control of CGNS was completely transferred to a public forum known as the CGNS Steering Committee. This Steering Committee is made up of international representatives from government and private industry. Additional history on the development of CGNS is available here.

The principal target of CGNS is data normally associated with compressible viscous flow (i.e., the Navier-Stokes equations), but the standard is also applicable to subclasses such as Euler and potential flows. The CGNS standard includes the following types of data.

Structured, unstructured, and hybrid grids
Flow solution data, which may be nodal, cell-centered, face-centered, or edge-centered
Multizone interface connectivity, both abutting and overset
Boundary conditions
Flow equation descriptions, including the equation of state, viscosity and thermal conductivity models, turbulence models, multi-species chemistry models, and electromagnetics
Time-dependent flow, including moving and deforming grids
Dimensional units and nondimensionalization information
Reference states
Convergence history
Association to CAD geometry definitions
User-defined data
Much of the standard and the software is applicable to computational field physics in general. Disciplines other than fluid dynamics would need to augment the data definitions and storage conventions, but the fundamental database software, which provides platform independence, is not specific to fluid dynamics.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Programming C++


C++ Tutorials
Learning step by step:

A short introduction to C++,

C++ for engineers and scientists
Daoqi YangC++ and Object Oriented Numeric Computing for Scientists and Engineers
Yair Shapira, Solving PDEs in C++: Numerical Methods in a Unified Object-oriented Approach
Stan Lippman, C++ Primer (2nd edition),  Addison-Wesley, 1989
Bjarne Stroustrup and Margaret Ellis, Annotated C++ Reference Manual, Addison-Wesley, 1990
Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language (2nd edition), Addison-Wesley, 1991

C++ Pioneer
Bjarne Stroustrup,

Create, compile, run C/C++ in linux, ubuntu
Install compiler:  sudo apt-get install gcc 
                         sudo apt-get install build-essential
C programming

  • Create file main.c  e.g.,   $ touch main.c
  • Edit and code        e.g.,  $ vi main.c   or   gedit/emacs main.c
  • Compile simple              $ gcc main.c -o main
  • Compile advance           $ gcc -Wall -W -Werror main.c -o main
  • Change permission for running executive (if need) chmod +x main
  • Running the program      $ ./main

C++ programming
  • Create file main.c  e.g.,   $ touch main.cpp
  • Edit and code        e.g.,  $ vi main.cpp   or   gedit/emacs main.cpp
  • Compile simple              $ g++ main.cpp -o main
  • Compile advance           $ g++ -Wall -W -Werror main.cpp -o main
  • Change permission for running executive (if need) chmod +x main
  • Running the program      $ ./main

Sunday, January 26, 2014

PhD scholarship on thermal, mechanical and material

Urgent Looking for a candidate who is interested in working towards PhD on thermal, mechanical and material selection aspects for Auxiliary Power Unit for aircraft. The candidate shall be able to meet the university admission criteria (Nanyang Technological University) as well as attend to and pass an interview by Rolls-Royce. 

Interested person may forward a detailed CV to 

Assoc Prof Sunil Chandrakant Joshi
Associate Professor
Division of Aerospace Engineering
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering

Phone: (+65)6790 5954
Office: N3.1-B2c-03

Saturday, January 25, 2014

oomph-lib: the object oriented multiphysics finite element library

oomph-lib is an object-oriented, open-source finite-element library for the simulation of multi- (and single-) physics problems, developed and maintained by Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel of the School of Mathematics at The University of Manchester.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

List of useful Linux terminal shortcut / commands / tips

list of useful command in Linux (Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat, ...)

Open a new terminal:
  • Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal.
  • Ctrl + Alt + T
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: open a new tab
$ gksudo nautilus    open Folder Explorer

After download .tar.gz file
$ tar –xvzf Folder.tar.gz
install software, application if they provide .sh file in the folder
$ sudo ./ 
Install with "makefile" or "configure" folder
$ cd SofwareFolder
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
OS Group 1: RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, CentOS,  .rpm extension
rpm -Uvh File.rpm
OS Group 2:  Debian, Ubuntu
.deb extension

$ lsb_release -a     check Linux system operation version and detail


$ sudo su

$ mkdir -p /mnt/ISO_Disk                                 create a folder on the disk
$ mount -o loop Path/To/*.iso /mnt/ISO_Disk   mount iso file to the folder
$ umount /mnt/ISO_Disk                                  unmount Iso from the folder

USEFUL SHORTCUTS : to saving time

Ctrl + R: search the commands you have used before
Ctrl + A : go (move cursor) to the beginning of command line
Ctrl + E : go (move cursor) to the ending of command line

Ctrl + U : erase the whole text on the current command line (to input new one)
Ctrl + W : delete a word before the cursor
Ctrl + K :  delete text from the cursor position to the end of the line
Ctrl + L :  clear whole terminal screen
Ctrl + C :  exit the previous command
Ctrl + Z:  escape from previous command (halt), but not applied for all especially displace

Up Arrow: move forward one previous command
Down Arrow: move backward one next command (till the last one only)
Enter: to run commands
Ctrl + D: exit , log out of a session

When open Folder Explorer: press Ctrl + H to view all hidden files


COMMAND -?  command --help :   to see a command help, e.g., cd -?
man COMMAND:  read command help

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor               show each processor separately

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l     find number of processors in linux
free: memory info, free and usage, i.e., free -m
du: folder/file size
df -h: all disk space usage
lsb_release -a: Linux version and system information
uname -a:  system information
uname -m:  system structure 32 or 64 bit

history: view a list of previously used command
!number: after running the "history" command, it shows the line number in the first column and the corresponding command in the second column, you can use this command to with the line number to reuse the previous command without typing the whole command again, i.e., !102

sudo : login as root (admin)
sudo (make/ ...) : add sudo before the command to have powerful-administrative access (remove permission denied)

export PATH=$PATH:/home/me/bin:/usr/bin      : environment variable in .bashrc
USER_PATH='/home/user' : assign a new environmental variables (must be in UPPERCASE), e.g. USER_PATH, with the path as specified
unset USER_PATH:  remove a environmental variable

sudo gedit /etc/fstab    edit drive manage file
cd /dev                         go to disk drive directory
ls hd*                            show all internal drive
ls s*                              show all external drive
mount | grep sda3          mount an external drive
umount -l /dev/sda2       unmount an external drive
sudo mkdir /media/sda3                      create directory to mount
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2      mount external drive manually on the disk directory

sudo fdisk /dev/sda     format hard disk in linux,

chmod: change file mode bits
cal : (calendar) appear whole current month
date :  appear date
hostname : host name or the NIS domain name
passwd: update a user's authentication, password
which COMMAND: locate a command
whoami : Print the user name associated with the current effective user ID
who : Print information about users who are currently logged in.
echo: display a line of text
echo "$PATH": display all path

cd :  access a directory
(cd) .. : go upward a folder level
cd / : go to root directory
cd ~ : go to home directory
cd - : go to the previous directory
ls :  list directory contents (only name)
ls -l: list all files in directory and detail information of each file
pwd: show directory link, location
mkdir FOLDER: create a new folder
mv: move file or folder
rm FILE: remove files
rm -r FOLDER: remove folder
rmdir: remove empty directories

sed: stream editor for filtering and transforming text
sed -i 's/old/new/g' /home/Directory/File.txt
grep/ egrep/ fgrep: print lines matching a pattern
grep -c 'Error' ../Folder/file.txt :  find the word 'Error' in the file
grep -r -H 'Text' .    find Text in all files in curent folder/subfolder
grep -r -H 'Text' Path    find Text in all files in the directory path
grep -ri 'text' Path    find text ignore case in all files in the directory path
grep -ri -l 'text' Path    find text ignore case in all files in the directory path, and only show the file and location
egrep -w -R "text-1|text-2” Path    find two text
find: search for files in a directory hierarchy
find . -name 'SeachFile*': search file/folder with the beginning text in current directory and all subdirectories (.), exact text & capital
find / -name 'SeachFile': search file/folder with the text in root file system, exact text & capital
find . -iname '*Text*': search file/folder with the beginning text in current directory and all subdirectories (.), only text no matter capital or not
find Direc/file -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l "Text" 

unzip  : extract *.zip
tar -xvf FOLDER.tar  : extract *.tar
tar -xvzf FOLDER.tar.gz :  extract *.tar.gz
tar jxvf FOLDER.tar.bz2 : extract *.tar.bz2

zip -r FOLDER: compress *.zip
tar -zcvf FOLDER.tar.gz /home/user/Folder   : compress *.tar.gz

ps -ax | grep vim :  find and show all running vim application and their IDs
kill ID:  terminate a process
killall APPLICATION_NAME :  kill processes with specified name
top: display linux tasks
checkjob JOBID: view detail of a task
chmod: change file permission

more : file perusal filter for crt viewing, forward
less:  allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement
tail: view the last part of files
tail -f: (follow) output appended data as the file grows
head: view the beginning part of files
diff: compare files, show different lines

wc :  print the number of lines, words, and bytes in files
wc -l filename.txt :  print the number of lines in a file
wc -w filename.txt :  print the number of words in a file
sed -n '$=' filename.txt   print number of line
vim -f filename.txt : edit and show total number of lines

gedit:  text editor for the GNOME Desktop
vim/vi: Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor directly on the terminal
cat:     concatenate files and print on the standard output
emacs   text editor
sudo apt-add-repository universe: enable repositories
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:texlive-backports/ppa: add texlive-backports to ppa repository
/etc/apt/sources.list  PPAs

netstat -anp | grep 27000  search all running TCP port number

sudo apt-get install imagemagick  screen capture

gcc: compiler g++
gdb: debugger  

Install Softwares
sudo apt-get update  update all softwares
sudo apt-get upgrade:  upgrade all configuration
sudo dpkg -i filename.deb : install .deb extension file
sudo apt-get install  SOFTNAME: install a software
sudo apt-get remove --purge SOFTNAME: uninstall a software
sudo apt-get autoremove :  auto remove the used, obsolete or repeat software
sudo apt-get install unzip: install unzip
sudo apt-get install default-jdk : Install Java
sudo apt-get install texlive-full: install texlive
sudo apt-get install texmaker: install texmaker

cmake --version  version of a tool
make -k all
g++ -g -o main main.o:  compile C++
g++ -c -g main.cpp:  compile C++ file "main.cpp"
f77 -o file file.f    : compile the file
./file   : to run and execute the compiled file
sudo apt-get install subversion : Install the Subversion project
sudo apt-get install autoconf:  Install  Autoconf, an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages
sudo apt-get install automake:            Install Automake is a tool for automatically generating files compliant with the GNU Coding Standards
sudo apt-get install libtool:           Install GNU libtool is a generic library support script.
sudo apt-get install gfortran :      Install gfortran compiler
sudo apt-get install gfortran gfortran-4.6 libgfortran3 gfortran-multilib gfortran-doc gfortran-4.6-multilib gfortran-4.6-doc libgfortran3-dbg
sudo apt-get install g77 :             Install fortran 77 compiler
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install gcc-multilib
apt-get install rpm

g++ main.o word.o hello.o -o hello

Remote control/ access server/ connect through ssh
sudo apt-get install openssh-server      install openssh in the server
ssh <username>@<computer name or IP address>
ssh me@homecomputer
ssh me@  or ssh-v me@
ps aux | grep sshd                    to check whether ssh is running in the server
sudo more /var/log/auth.log    on the server

Create a software shortcut on desktop
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel
gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new
Name: Application name
Command:  link to the application location

Lattice Boltzmann in Fluid Mechanics

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


OpenFlower is an open source CFD software (FLOW solvER, literally) written in C++. It is mainly devoted to the resolution of the turbulent unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Conf Micro & Nanofluidics,18-21 May 2014

1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications 18-21 May 2014 University of Twente - The Netherlands
Micro- and nanofluidics has considerably matured over the last 2 decades. This holds both for the fundamental understanding of the flow on a micro- and nanoscale and for the applications in industry. Various start-up companies have been founded and global players have realized the importance of the field. Applications can be found in the chip-industry, medical diagnostics, drug development and delivery, ink-jet printing, … Interestingly enough, more fundamentally oriented and more application oriented scientists in this field have stayed rather separate, generally visiting different conferences. The aim of the present 3-day international Flow14 conference is to overcome this separation and to bridge the gap between these two branches of micro- and nanofluidics.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Designbuilder software: HVAC building energy, carbon, lighting and comfort performance

DesignBuilder combines rapid building modelling and ease of use with state of the art dynamic energy simulation.
DesignBuilder is easy to use. Its innovative productivity features allow even complex buildings to be modelled rapidly by non-expert users.
DesignBuilder is the first comprehensive user interface to the EnergyPlus dynamic thermal simulation engine.
  • You get accurate environmental performance data and stunning rendered images/movies at any stage in the design process.
  • Streamline the design and evaluation process by providing performance data when it is most needed... early on while the design is still fluid.
  • DesignBuilder is priced competitively and - more importantly - it is cost-effective to learn and use.  And because DesignBuilder is so quick to use, you will be able to offer advanced simulation on even the smallest project without going over budget.
  • When used as a learning tool in universities and colleges, DesignBuilders’ intuitive user interface and intelligent defaults allow students to concentrate on coursework without getting lost in the detail of using the software.
  • Helps you to design environmentally friendly buildings.
  • 'Working' with DesignBuilder is fun!


DesignBuilder features an easy-to-use OpenGL solid modeller, which allows building models to be assembled by positioning, stretching and cutting 'blocks' in 3-D space. Realistic 3-D elements provide visual feedback of actual element thickness and room areas and volumes and there are no limitations on geometric form or surface shape.
You can import 3-D CAD models from ArchiCAD, Microstation, Revit and any other BIM software supporting the gbXML standard. 
Data templates allow you to load common building constructions, activities, HVAC & lighting systems into your design by selecting from drop-down lists. You can also add your own templates if you often work on similar types of buildings. This, combined with data inheritance, allows global changes to be made at building, block or zone level. You can also control the level of detail in each building model allowing the tool to be used effectively at any stage of the design or evaluation process.
Switch between Model Edit View and Environmental performance data with a single click - data is displayed without the need to run external modules and import data; and any simulations required to generate the data are started automatically.

ISAAC - CFD: compressible Euler/Navier-Stokes CFD

ISAAC (Integrated Solution Algorithm for Arbitrary Configurations) is a compressible Euler/Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics code. ISAAC includes the capability of calculating the Euler equations for inviscid flow or the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous flows. ISAAC uses a domain decomposition structure to accomodate complex physical configurations. ISAAC can calculate either steady-state or time dependent flow. ISAAC was designed to test turbulence models. Various two equation turbulence models, explicit algebraic Reynolds stress models, and full differential Reynolds stress models are implemented in ISAAC. Several test cases are documented in the User's Guide.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

SPPARKS Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulator

SPPARKS Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulator

SPPARKS is a parallel Monte Carlo code for on-lattice and off-lattice models that includes algorithms for kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC), rejection kinetic Monte Carlo (rKMC), and Metropolis Monte Carlo (MMC). It implements several KMC solvers whose serial computational complexity ranges from O(N) to O(NlogN) to O(1) in the number of events N owned by a processor. In a generic sense the solvers catalog a list of "events", each with an associated probability, choose a single event to perform, and advance time by the correct amount. Events may be chosen individually at random, or by sweeping over sites in a more ordered fashion.
Applications that are packaged with SPPARKS, or which a user adds to the code, define sites and events and probabilities, as well as how the execution of an event changes the state of the model.
SPPARKS runs on single processors or in parallel using message-passing techniques and a spatial-decomposition of the simulation domain. The code is designed to be easy to modify or extend with new functionality.
SPPARKS is distributed as an open source code under the terms of the GPL , or sometimes by request under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) . The current version can be downloaded here .
SPPARKS was developed at Sandia National Laboratories , a US Department of Energy  laboratory. The authors are Steve Plimpton  and Aidan Thompson and Alex Slepoy who can be contacted at sjplimp at, athomps at, and alexander.slepoy at, respectively. Funding for SPPARKS development has come from the DOE and is acknowledged here, along with the contributions of others.
The SPPARKS WWW site is hosted by Sandia, which has this Privacy and Security statement.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

LB2D_Prime: Lattice Boltzmann code

The lattice Boltzmann code available below has many capabilities including

  1. single and multiple components
  2. single-component multiphase (liquid/vapor)
  3. multi-component multiphase (oil/water-like)
  4. solute/heat transport (c.f. Inamuro)
  5. solute/heat induced buoyancy
  6. macroscopic porous media (c.f. Dardis)
  7. easy specification of domain structure via BMP input file
  8. color floods of density, velocity, vorticity, forces written to BMP files directly from the code
  9. matlab scripts are output for additional visualization
  10. control of many parameters via "" text-based input file.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

IGOR Pro: Technical graphing and data analysis software for scientists and engineers

IGOR: Technical graphing and data analysis software for scientists and engineers

GOR Pro is an interactive software environment for experimentation with scientific and engineering data and for the production of publication-quality graphs and page layouts. IGOR has been used by tens of thousands of technical professionals since its introduction in 1989.
Download the fully-functional IGOR Pro 6.3 and try it free for 30 days after installation. After 30 days, the IGOR will lapse into limited functionality demo mode. The limitations of the demo mode are:
  • Saving is disabled.
  • The clipboard contents cannot be transferred to other programs.
  • The printing output is lightly over-printed with IGOR-related words.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Hybrid simulation: OpenSees

OpenSees, a software framework for developing applications to simulate the performance of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes.
The goal of the OpenSees development is to improve the modeling and computational simulation in earthquake engineering through open-source development.
OpenSees is under continual development, so users and developers should expect changes and updates on a regular basis. In this sense, all users are developers so it is important to register. More information on Open Source is available.
The development and application of OpenSees is sponsored by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center through the National Science Foundation engineering and education centers program.
OpenSees has been selected as the simulation component for the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation and is being sponsored by NEEScomm . NEEScomm provides support for the ongoing maintenace of OpenSees and support to integrate OpenSees with the IT and EOT resources that NEEScomm makes available to the earthquake engineering community.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

femLego: A Problem Solving Environment for Parallel Adaptive Computation

femLego is a tool to solve partial differential equations with adaptive finite element method. This tool was first developed by Gustav Amberg and extended to parallel version by Minh Do-Quang. The partial differential equations, boundary conditions, initial conditions, and methods of solving each equation are all specified in a Maple worksheet (click here to see an example).
The current version of femLego is exttended to runs on parallel computer with both distributed memory and share memory by using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) libary. This tool was successfully used to solve some problems in heat and mass transfer, materials science and free boundaries. A flowchart of femLego is shown in Figure 1. The mesh is partitioned using the ParMetis library. A Fortran core code takes care of the matrix assembling which is done in parallel. A matrix solution is obtained using the Aztec library. If adaptivity is switched on, the last computed results are used by an error criterion to indicate regions of high variation of variables, i.e., regions requiring finer mesh. A new mesh, adapted to the solution, will be generated for use at the next step. The new mesh is again partitioned by ParMetis and balanced using a smoothing function. And the process repeats until final time. To simplify implementation and coding for refinement/derefinement, STL (Standard Template Library) C++ is used.

Dr. Minh Do-Quang
Phone: +46 8 790 7191
Fax: +46 8 796 9850

Mechanics, KTH

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Unsolved problems in Maths & Fluid Mechanics/ CFD for the 21st century

Do the Navier–Stokes equations in R3 always have a unique smooth solution that extends for all time?

Proposed by Steve Smale in 1998, 1999.

Peter Constantin, Some open problems and research directions in the mathematical study of uid dynamics,

UI-SimCor: Matlab-based simulation coordinator hybrid PSD simulation

Open-source Matlab-based simulation coordinator (SimCor) for distributed hybrid PSD simulation.

The UI-SimCor has been developed in NEES at UIUC facility to facilitate geographically distributed PSD hybrid simulation. It has been widely used for PSD hybrid simulation and also for multi-platform simulation. Due to the open source code and transparent architecture of the code, it has been also used to implement and verify new integration algorithms by researchers. This release, v2.8, include minor updates and bug-fixed since the previous release in early 2007. The new features include:
  • The architecture is modified such that new integration scheme can be easily implemented by a user.
  • Network Interface for Console Application (NICA.exe) is rewritten for performance of the code and replaces the former NEES-SAM.exe. NICA supports OpenSees, Zeus-NL, Abaqus, and other generic function written in C++ or Fortran. Up to 1,000 DOFs and 10,000 time steps were tested and confirmed that there is no issue in communication between NICA.exe, UI-SimCor, and other applications.
  • Tri-axial component of ground motions can be applied to the model.
  • For concept development and verification of an integration scheme, resistance forces can be directly calculated from predefined stiffness matrix. This functionality does not require substructure modules, and hence, is useful to check accuracy of integration schem and functionality of UI-SimCor before involving substructure modules. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hybrid simulation: OpenFresco

OpenFresco (the Open-source Framework for Experimental Setup and Control) is an environment-independent software framework, that connects finite element models with control and data acquisition systems in laboratories to facilitate hybrid simulation of structural and geotechnical systems.

Hybrid simulation is an experimental testing technique where a test is executed based on a step-by-step numerical solution of the governing equations of motion for a hybrid model, formulated considering both the numerical and physical portions of a structural system. In order for the earthquake engineering community to take full advantage of this technique, OpenFresco standardizes the deployment of hybrid simulation and extends its capabilities to applications where advanced numerical techniques are utilized, boundary conditions are imposed in real-time, and dynamic loading conditions caused by wind, blast, impact, waves, fire, traffic, and, in particular, seismic events are considered. Accordingly, the architecture of the OpenFresco software package provides a great deal of flexibility, extensibility, and re-usability to the researcher or developer interested in hybrid simulation.

OpenFrescoExpress is a self-contained software package, including a easy-to-use graphical user interface, that facilitates hybrid testing of systems having up to two degrees of freedom. OpenFrescoExpress addresses the needs of a wide range of users including:
  • laboratory staff and research students learning about hybrid simulation and starting to use this experimental testing method.
  • staff and students at laboratories that regularly use hybrid simulation but desire a tool for quick demonstration of the hybrid simulation testing method.
  • researchers who are conducting simple tests and would like to take advantage of a graphical user interface that quickly and easily displays useful real-time test data.
  • graduate students and researchers who are not at a laboratory but wish to run the software as a pure simulation tool to learn more about hybrid simulation and how it works.
OpenFresco is a robust middleware software package for performing hybrid simulations involving numerical models, test specimens, experimental setups and loading conditions that are larger and more complex than those considered by OpenFrescoExpress. It targets researchers, graduate students and laboratory staff that are more experienced in the concept and application of the hybrid simulation method. It is suited for advanced hybrid simulation when the users have analytical model and/or experimental specimen configurations that exceed the capabilities of the OpenFrescoExpress version, and/or have the desire and need to create their own custom graphical user interface.
OpenFresco and OpenFrescoExpress easily interface with many popular experimental control and data acquisition systems manufactured by dSpace, MTS (STS and FlexTest systems) National Instruments, SCRAMNet, Pacific Instruments and others. While OpenFrescoExpress contains its own analysis engine, OpenFresco can act as middleware enabling hybrid simulation using a wide variety of computational software packages, including: OpenSeesMatlabSimulinkLS-DYNAAbaqusUI-SimCor, etc.

Monday, January 6, 2014

International conference on Flavor Physics and Mass Generation, 2014

International conference on Flavor Physics and Mass Generation from 10 to 14 February 2014.
The start of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is bringing particle physics to an unprecedented TeV energy frontier, at which some long-standing questions associated with the Standard Model will be answered and new physics might be observed. In 2013 a new boson with a mass of 126 GeV was discovered. This boson might be the Higgs boson, which generates the masses of the weak bosons, or an excitation of the weak neutral boson, if the weak bosons are bound states of smaller constituents.
The implications of this discovery for the physics of quark and lepton flavors will be considered. Furthermore the following topics will be discussed:
1. Mixing of leptons and neutrino oscillations
2. Mixing of quarks and CP-violation

3. Mass generation for leptons and quarks

4. Flavor symmetries and models for quark and lepton masses

5. Mass generation in Quantum Chromodynamics

6. Flavor physics and Grand Unification

7. Heavy flavor physics and the LHC

8. Rare B-decay and new physics

9. See-saw mechanism and leptogenesis
For more information, please refer to the website:
For enquiries, kindly email to:

Cournot Foundation 2014/2015 Postdoctoral Applications

2014/2015 Postdoctoral Applications

The Cournot Foundation awards every year a maximum of five Robert Solow Postdoctoral Fellowships of 24,000 € each to researchers of all nationalities. The Cournot Centre’s Scientific Team chooses the postdoctoral fellows based on their applications.
Recipients may undertake postdoctoral research at the host institution of their choice. The Cournot Foundation and Cournot Centre do not act as hosting institutions for postdoctoral researchers, only as funding institutions.
Candidates must have been awarded their Ph.D. between 1 October 2012 and 1 October 2014. The fellowship is for 12 months and is not intended to supplement other research grants or a full-time salary.
Please find the application form hereunder.
Postdoctoral Application Form 2014-15 (31.6 KiB)
Three (3) copies of the application form should be sent to the following address:
Cournot Centre
17, rue Gazan
75014 Paris

Envelopes must be postmarked no later than 5 February 2014.  Applications by fax or email will not be accepted.  Applications must not be more than six (6) pages recto in length, including the cover page, and may be typed in a font size no smaller than 12, or handwritten in black ink.  Additional sheets should not be added.
The successful applicants for the 2014–15 academic year will be notified by 15 April 2014.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Scilab free numerical computation

Scilab is free and open source software for numerical computation providing a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications. 
Scilab is released as open source under theCeCILL license (GPL compatible), and is available for download free of charge. Scilab is available under GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (see system requirements).

What does Scilab do ?

Scilab includes hundreds of mathematical functions. It has a high level programming language allowing access to advanced data structures, 2-D and 3-D graphical functions. 
A large number of functionalities is included in Scilab:

Scilab as a platform

Thanks to its ability to interconnect with third-party technologies and applications, Scilab can also act as a unique platform to bring together codes written in different programming languages in a single, unified language, thus facilitating their distribution, their back-up and use.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Elsevier: Reviewer Recommendation and Comments for Manuscript

Elsevier: Reviewer Recommendation and Comments for Manuscript 

  • No recommendation
  • Accept
  • Minor Revision
  • Major Revision
  • Reject
  • Revise as Short Communication
Overall Manuscript Rating (1 - 100)

Reviewer Blind Comments to Author

Reviewer Confidential Comments to Editor

For each question, please use the following scale to answer (place an x in the space provided):

"To what extent does the article meet this criterion?"

0    Fails by a large amount
1    Fails by a small amount
2    Succeeds by a small amount
3    Succeeds by a large amount
4    Not applicable

The subject addressed in this article is worthy of investigation.
0 __1 __2 __3 __4__

The information presented was new.

0 __1 __2 __3 __4__

The conclusions were supported by the data.

0 __1 __2 __3 __4

Is there a financial or other conflict of interest between your work and that of the authors?

YES __  NO __

Please give a frank account of the strengths and weaknesses of the article:

Other Article categories by reviewers:

  • Major Compulsory Revisions (which the author must respond to before a decision on publication can be reached)
  • Minor Essential Revisions (such as missing labels on figures, or the wrong use of a term, which the author can be trusted to correct)
  • Discretionary Revisions (which are recommendations for improvement but which the author can choose to ignore)

  • Accept without revision
  • Accept after discretionary revisions (which the authors can choose to ignore)
  • Accept after minor essential revisions (which the authors can be trusted to make)
  • Unable to decide on acceptance or rejection until the authors have responded to the major compulsory revisions
  • Reject as not sufficiently sound
  • Reject as not of sufficient priority to merit publishing in this journal

NaSt3DGP - A Parallel 3D Flow Solver incompressible Navier-Stokes

NaSt3DGP is an implementation of a solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in three dimensions. It is based on a Chorin type projection method. The main features of NaSt3DGP are:
  • spatial discretization by 2nd order finite differences on a rectangular, non-uniform, staggered mesh
  • convective term: higher order upwind schemes (VONOS, SMART), central differences (2nd order), simple upwind (1st order)
  • 2nd order Adams-Bashforth scheme for the time discretization
  • boundary conditions: slip, no slip, periodic, inflow, outflow (Neumann, convective, natural)
  • (passive) advection-diffusion transport model for concentration of species
  • Boussinesq advection-diffusion transport model for temperature
  • handling of complex geometries by a simple cell decomposition/enumeration technique
  • BiCGStab and SOR iterative solver for pressure Poisson equation (lexicographical, red-black, colored red-black)
  • parallelization by means of 3D domain decomposition with good communication/work ratio heuristics
  • parallelization based on MPI
  • implemented in C++
  • various import/export formats, including architecture independent ones and for the VTK graphics library
  • macro language for easy problem description
Much emphasis is laid on the point that also complex problems, such as flows around complicated geometries, can be defined in a clear and easy way to rapidly obtain numerical results. To this end, there is a simple macro-language with a few but powerful and meaningful key-words to describe the flow configuration. This allows the user to
  • build complex geometries by union, intersection, subtraction of CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) primitives using shape parameters independent on the discretization
  • describe the computational mesh in a simple way
  • define various parameters, e.g. Reynolds number, stopping value for iterative solver, upwind parameter, etc.
NaSt3DGP is essentially based on the code described in the book: Griebel/Dornseifer/Neunhoefer, Numerische Simulation in der Strömungsmechanik, Vieweg Verlag (1995)
Griebel/Dornseifer/Neunhoefer, Numerical Simulation in Fluid Dynamics, SIAM Philadelphia (1998), (english version)


The software package NaSt3DGP is available for download free of charge for academic research and non-commercial use. Please refer to the Download section for details on licensing and how to obtain the software.


The NaSt3DGPF package is an extension of NaSt3DGP including additional features. In particular, free surface flows and surface tension are implemented employing a level-set approach. If you are interested in licensing NaSt3DGPF, please visit the NaSt3DGPF website for further details.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

NaSt3DGPF: parallel 3D flow solver with free surfaces

  • NaSt3DGPF
    A Parallel 3D Navier-Stokes Solver with free surfaces.
  • NaSt3DGP
    A Parallel 3D Navier-Stokes Solver.
  • NaSt2D
    A 2D Navier-Stokes Solver.
  • NaSty
    NaSty - CFD APP