Monday, December 30, 2013

Kratos Multiphysics - FE solver for: CFD, FSI, Particle, Thermal (free/ open source)

Open Source, Parallel, Multi-physics, CFD, Thermal problems, Structural dynamics, Flexibility, Particle Problems, Linear Solvers Libraries
Kratos is designed as an Open-Source framework for the implementation of numerical methods for the solution of engineering problems. It is written in C++ and is designed to allow collaborative development by large teams of researchers focusing on modularity as well as on performance. The Kratos features a "core" and "applications" approach where "standard tools" (databases, linear algebra, search structures, etc...) come as a part of the core and are available as building blocks in the development of "applications" which focus on the solution of the problems of interest. Its ultimate goal is to simplify the development of new numerical methods.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Applied Fluid Mechanics: People

  • Prof. Nhan PHAN-THIEN, Professor in Mechanical Engineering, in Bioengineering, National University of Singapore, Rheology, Suspensions, BioRheology, Computational Mechanics,
  • Professor T. Tran-Cong, PhD, RME Chair in Computational Engineering, Executive Director, Computational Engineering and Science Research Centre (CESRC), University of Southern Queensland, Tel: +61 7 4631-1332/-2539 Fax: +61 7 46312526, Email:, Web:
  • Phan Anh Tuan, Head, Division of Physics & Applied Physics, (Bio-, fluid dynamics)
Ocean\ Marine
Heat transfer, thermodynamics
  • Ephraim M. Sparrow, University of Minnesota, USA (750 papers)
  • Adrian Bejan, Duke University, USA
  • Beric Skews, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Satish G Kandlikar, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
  • Antony Jacobi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Jungho Kim, University of Maryland, USA
  • Liqiu Wang, University of Hong Kong
  • AAM Delil, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Netherlands
  • Detliv Kroger, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Kyoji Kamemoto, Yokohama National Universirt, Japan
  • Dimos Poulikakos, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
  • KN Seetharamu, USM Engineering, Malaysia
  • Pega Hrnjak, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • John R Thome, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Afshin Ghajar, Oklahoma State University
  • H Hayami, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Leon Liebenberg, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • VK Dhir, University of California, USA
  • Holger Martin, Karlsruhe University, Germany
  • G Hetsroni, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
  • Y Tsujimoto, Osaka University, Japan
  • P Nithiarasu, University of Wales, Swansea, United Kingdom
  • AAM Delil, Advanced Aerospace Thermal Control Systems
  • Yas Takata, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Peter Vadasz, Northern Arizona University, USA
  • AS Majumdar, National University of Singapore
  • AT Prata, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • IG Shekriladze, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
  • Wen-Quan Tao, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
  • Bartoli Carlo, University of Pisa, Italy
  • John R Thome, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Adrian Bejan and Sylvie Lorente, Duke University, USA
  • Adrian Briggs, University of London, United Kingdom
  • VV Kulish, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • K Sefiane, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Peter Stehlik, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
  • Zahid Ayub, Isotherm, Inc., USA
  • Afshin Ghajar, Oklahoma State University, USA
  • Thomas McKrell, MIT, USA
  • Pradeep Bansal , University of Auckland, New Zeeland
  • Ranganathan Kumar, University of Central Florida, USA
  • Charles Ward, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Oleg Kabov, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Dongsheng Wen, Queen Mary University of London, UK
  • John Thome, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Qiuwang Wang , Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
  • Michel de Paepe, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Gordon Mallinson, The University of Auckland
  • Pega Hrnjak, University of Illinois, USA
  • Md. Mahbub Alam, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Avi Bar-Cohen, University of Maryland, USA
  • Brian Spalding, CHAM, UK
  • Tilak Chandratilleke, Curtin University, Australia
  • John Chai, Petroleum Institute, UAE
  • Tunde Bello-Ochende, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Remi Revellin, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France
  • Emeritus Prof. Michael McIntyre, DAMTP, Cambridge, Link
Hypersonic, supersonic, propulsion
FEM in Fluid, FSI

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Rannacher, Rolf, Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Heidelberg,
  • Matthias Heil, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manchester,
  • Antonio Huerta, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Laboratori de Càlcul Numèric,
Multiphase Flows

  • Prof. Odd M. Faltinsen (AMOS, Department of Marine Technology, NTNU, Norway)
  • Prof. Frederick Stern (IHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, University of Iowa, USA)
  • Prof. Philip L.-F. Liu (Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, USA)
  • Prof. Charles-Henri Bruneau-Univ. of Bordeaux, France
  • Prof. Jean-Jacques Chattot-UC Davis, USA
  • Prof. Mohamed Hafez-UC Davis, USA
  • Dr. Dochan Kwak-NASA, USA
  • Prof. Nobuyuki Satofuka-Japan
  • Prof. Hanxin. Zhang-China
  • R. Abgrall (France)
  • F. Alcrudo (Spain)
  • C.H. Bruneau (France)
  • P. Burda (Czech Republic)
  • D. Caughey (USA)
  • J.J. Chattot (France)
  • P. Cinnella (France)
  • H. Choi (Korea)
  • H. Deconinck (Belgium)
  • S.M. Deshpande(USA)
  • X.G. Deng (China)
  • E. Dick (Belgium)
  • D. Drikakis (UK)
  • J. Fan (China)
  • Z. Fan (China)
  • D.X. Fu (China)
  • S. Fu (China)
  • K. Fujii (Japan)
  • F. Grasso (Italy)
  • C. Groth (Canada)
  • B. Gustafsson (Sweden)
  • D. Haenel (Germany)
  • M. Hafez (USA)
  • C. Hasse (Germany)
  • A. Jameson (USA)
  • C. Kiris (USA)
  • B. Koren (Netherlands)
  • P.S. Kulkarni (India)
  • A. Kuzmin (Russia)
  • D. Kwak (USA)
  • A. Lerat (France)
  • Q. Li (China)
  • X. Li(China)
  • M.S. Liou (USA)
  • N. Kevlahan (Canada)
  • P. Le Quere (France)
  • K. Morgan (UK)
  • C. D. Munz (Germany)
  • K. Nakahashi (Japan)
  • Y. Nakamura (Japan)
  • M. Napolitano (Italy)
  • A. Pascau (Spain)
  • J. Periaux (France)
  • R. Rannacher (Germany)
  • Y. Ren (China)
  • P. L. Roe (USA)
  • M. Rumpfkeil (Canada)
  • V. Sankaran (USA)
  • N. Satofuka (Japan)
  • S. Sherwin (UK)
  • Y. Shokin (Russia)
  • K. Srinivas (Australia)
  • R. Strawn (USA)
  • M. Tabata (Japan)
  • J. Thomas (USA)
  • J. Van Der Vegt (Netherlands)
  • M.R. Visbal (USA)
  • J.P. Wang (China)
  • Z.J.  Wang (USA)
  • J.Y. Yang (Taiwan)
  • J.Y. Yoo (Korea)
  • X. Zhong (USA)
  • D.W. Zingg (Canada)


  • Chau-Hsing Su, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown Uni.,
  • Prof. Hanxin Zhang, Chairman of Local Committee-China Aerodynamic research and Develop-ment Center (CARDC)
  • Prof. Xiaogang Deng, Executive Chairman of Local Committee-National University of Defense Technology(NUDT)
  • Prof. Joseph H.W. Lee (Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
  • Prof. Tao Jianhua (Dean, Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, China)
  • Prof. Liao Shijun (School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
  •      Prof. Zhaolin Fan, Executive Chairman of Local Committee-CARDC
  •      Prof. Zhigong Tang-CARDC
  •      Prof. Qing Shen-China Academy of Aerospace Technology
  •      Prof. Jun Dong-AVIC Aerodynamic Research Institute
  •      Prof. Jing Fan-Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  •      Prof. Song Fu-Tsinghua University
  •      Prof. Jianping Wang-Peking University
  •      Prof. Xiyun Lu-University of Science and Technology of China(USTC)
  •      Prof. Hua Liu-Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  •      Prof. Chao Yan-Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  •      Prof. Ning Zhao, Department of Aerodynamics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (CFD, PDEs)
  •      Prof. Zhenghong Gao-Northwestern Polytechnical University
  •      Prof. Jisheng Luo-Tianjin University
  •      Prof. Yuehong Qian-Shanghai University     
  •      Prof. Kun Xu-The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  •      Prof. Zhaoyan Yang-National Taiwan University
  •      Prof. Qingguo Meng-National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)
  •      Prof. Gang Liu-CARDC
  •      Prof. Handong Ma -China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
  •      Prof. Wen Bai-China Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute
  •      Prof. Feng Zhao-China Ship Scientific Research Center
  •      Prof. Xinliang Li-China Science Institute
  •      Prof. Yuxin Ren-Tsinghua University
  •      Prof. Xiaodong Li -Beijing university of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  •      Prof. Laiping Zhang-CARDC
  •      Prof. Qin Li-CARDC

  • Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT (FEM, Solid, Fluid)
Leonardo Da Vinci
Isaac Newton
Leonhard Euler
Ludwig Prandtl
Joseph-Louis Lagrange
Maurice Marie Alfred Couette
Professor George Keith Batchelor (8 March 1920 - 30 March 2000) , homogeneous, turbulence, George K. Batchelor Prize for Fluid Dynamics, the most prestigious prize in fluid mechanics, link

OpenFVM: CFD solvers (free/opensource)


OpenFVM is a general CFD solver released under the GPL license. It was developed to simulate the flow in complex 3D geometries. Therefore, the mesh can be unstructured and contain control volumes with arbitrary shape. The code uses the finite volume method to evaluate the partial differential equations. As well as solving the velocity and pressure fields, the code is capable of solving non-isothermal multiphase flow.

The code has two implementations: serial and parallel. The serial version uses LASPACK as the linear matrix solver and the parallel one uses the PETSc library. Both implementations use the open source tool Gmsh for pre- and post-processing.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Multiphysics, Supercomputers to simulate the completed human brain

The human brain project: the future trend of applied engineering in modelling and simulation of complex physical phenomena.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

FEATFLOW: high performance finite elements - both FEA, CFD (free, open source)

The free finite elements solvers for both solid and fluid mechanics

 The software package FEATFLOW

The progam package FEATFLOW is both a user oriented as well as a general purpose subroutine system for the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in two and three space dimensions. It is based on the packages FEAT2D and FEAT3D.
FEATFLOW is designed for the following three classes of applications:
  • Education of students
  • Scientific research
  • Industrial applications
An overview of the functionality and the mathematical background of FEATFLOW can be found in our FEATFLOW manual. For a "colorful" demonstration of many flow examples and MPEG movies, have a look at our Virtual Album of Fluid Motion.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Institute/ Lab / Research Center in Numerical Methods, Computational Mechanics

  • International Mathematical Union (IMU):
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
  • Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
  • American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics (AIAA)
  • American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  • American Mathematical Society (AMS)
  • American Physical Society (APS)
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) , Building


European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, COFTAC,
European High-Performance Infrastructures in Turbulence, EuHIT,
The French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis,

  • The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
  • Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, Link
  • Civil and Computational Engineering Centre, Swansea Uni. Link
  • Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Link
  • Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics Group, Cambridge,
  • Vortex Dynamics Research Group, University of St Andrews,





  • Computational Engineering and Science Research Centre (CESRC), University of Southern Queensland


Flow rate, Velocity, Pipe Flow Calculation

Calculator edge,

Pipe Diameter/ Velocity / Flow Rate Calculation with different units : Ultra Calculator

Pipe Flow Calculations: Pressure drop, Pipe diameter, Gas control valve sizing, Control valve sizing
Air flow, Compressible gas flow, Natural gas flow, Gas pipe discharge flow rate, Venturi tube flow rate meter, Orifice plate flow rate meter, Nozzle, Prandtl probe, Thermal energy, Reynolds number, LPG, Resistance coefficient K

Volumetric Flow Rate,  Mass Flow Rate, Molar Flow Rate, Mass Flux, Molar Concentration, Mass Concentration in a Solution, Dynamic (Absolute) Viscosity, Kinematic Viscosity, Surface Tension, Permeation, Permeance, Water Vapour Permeability, Mass, Specific Volume, Volume and Common Cooking Measurement

Sunday, December 22, 2013

enGrid: Open-Source mesh generation/ Pre-Processing

enGrid is an open-source mesh generation software with CFD applications in mind. enGrid uses an in-house development for surface meshing and prismatic boundary layers; a module for hex far-fields will be added in the next release. Tetrahedral parts of the mesh are created by calling the Netgen library. Internally, enGrid uses the VTK data structures as well as the *.vtu file format.
Currently enGrid has interfaces to Blender [3], Gmsh, STL, and a few other file formats. Gmsh can be used to import STEP and IGES files and it can also be used for simple geometry modeling.
Since the 1.2 release, enGrid provides native export to OpenFOAM® and since 1.4 for SU2. This includes export capabilities for complete OpenFOAM cases (including boundary conditions), as well as support for polyhedral cells. enGrid is released under the GPL and we hope that it is a useful addition to the open-source CFD community.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

COMSOL: multiphysics

You can model and simulate any physics-based system using COMSOL®. COMSOL Multiphysics® includes the COMSOL Desktop® graphical user interface (GUI) and a set of predefined user interfaces with associated modeling tools, referred to as physics interfaces, for modeling common applications. A suite of add-on products expands this multiphysics simulation platform for modeling specific application areas as well as interfacing to third-party software and their capabilities. COMSOL Multiphysics is required to run any of the add-on products.
The physics-based modules augment the core physics interfaces of COMSOL Multiphysics and provide additional physics interfaces for electrical, mechanical, fluid flow, and chemical applications. Any number of modules can be seamlessly combined to handle challenging multiphysics applications.
The fully-integrated environment allows for a unified modeling workflow irrespective of the simulation task. The multipurpose add-on products enable optimization and particle tracing, and grant access to a large library of material properties. COMSOL integrates seamlessly with third-party software, such as industry-standard CAD software, through the interfacing add-on products.

Fluid-Structure Interactions

A L-shaped Obstacle in a Fluid Channel

A Network of Blood Vessels

VISIT: free software for ploting, visualization your computation result, post-processing

VISIT (free)

VisIt is a free interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool for viewing scientific data on Unix and PC platforms. Users can quickly generate visualizations from their data, animate them through time, manipulate them, and save the resulting images for presentations. VisIt contains a rich set of visualization features so that you can view your data in a variety of ways. It can be used to visualize scalar and vector fields defined on two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) structured and unstructured meshes. VisIt was designed to handle very large data set sizes in the terascale range and yet can also handle small data sets in the kilobyte range. See the table below for more details about the tool’s features.


VisIt was developed by the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Simulation and Computing Initiative (ASCI) to visualize and analyze the results of terascale simulations. It was developed as a framework for adding custom capabilities and rapidly deploying new visualization technologies. After an initial prototype effort, work on VisIt began in the summer of 2000, and the initial version of VisIt was released in the fall of 2002. Although the primary driving force behind the development of VisIt was for visualizing terascale data, it is also well suited for visualizing data from typical simulations on desktop systems. Because of its applicability beyond visualizing terascale data, we are making VisIt freely available.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

JCR, SCI, SCIE, Quartile Scores, Journal Citation ranking

a) JCR full list in Web of Knowledge (detail information of each papers)

To search for specific journal
  • JCR Science Edition : select year
  • Search for a specific journal
  • Click Submit
Select 1) Search by: 
  • Full journal title: (not recommended, unless you remember exactly full name)
  • Abbreviated journal title: (abbreviation of the journals)
  • Title word: (best options, few key words)
  • ISSN: (fill ISSN number of the journals)

To view Category and Journal ranking in Category, Quartile ranking
Click on Journal > Journal Rank in Categories> Journal Ranking

b) Science Citation Information (SCI) 2013 Journal List

c) Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)

d) SJR, SCImago, Journal & Country Rank   Journal rankings

e) Web of Science , journal search

f) Tracking SCI papers and impact factors (shown impact factors in four years, in Chinese)

g|) Quartile ranking: (what is quartile ranking? how to clarify quartile ranking?)
Below information is from highest ranking to the lowest in the group
Q1: top 25% in the subject category group within a given year
Q2: top from 25% - 50% in the subject category group within a given year
Q3: from 50% - 75% in the subject category group within a given year
Q4: from 75% - 100% in the subject category group within a given year

NOTE: one journal may in different subject category group, therefore, it may have several quartile ranking.

h) Social sciences Citation Index (SSCI)

i) Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)

j) Scopus (Elsevier)

k) Academic Onefile

l) ISBN:

m) The DOI system:

n) CNKI Scholar

o) the most highly influential scientists and scholars worldwide,

Free Matlab code for Computational Fluid Mechanics

  • Free and open Matlab code for Computational Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Navier-Stokes Equations
          Courtesy by Ahmed Al Makky
  • Navier2d

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gnuplot: free software for plotting, visualization

(alternative some plotting utilies of Matlab, Excel, plot figures for your paper)
is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms. The source code is copyrighted but freely distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay for it). It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively, but has grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is also used as a plotting engine by third-party applications like Octave. Gnuplot has been supported and under active development since 1986.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fluid Mechanics: Books

Free Fluid mechanics, CFD books (PDF) available for download
How to study fluid mechanics, fluid dynamics for beginners and reference for engineers, scientists

  • G.P. Galdi, An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Steady-State Problems, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, pdf
  • G.P. Galdi, An Introduction to the Navier-Stokes Initial-Boundary Value Problem, pdf
  • Roger Temam, Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and numerical Analysis, pdf
  • Dennis C. Prieve, A Course in Fluid Mechanics with Vector Field Theory, pdf
  • Alexandre Chorin, Jerrold E. Marsden, A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Springer, 2000, pdf
  • William W. Symes, Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics, pdf

  • * D.J.Acheson, Elementary Fluid Dynamics, Clarendon Press (90), Notes by CKWong, pdf
  • Roger Temam, Navier-Stokes Equations: theory and numerical Analysis, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977, pdf
  • I.G. Currie, Fundamental Mechanics of Fluid pdf
  • Tsutomu Kambe, Elementary fluid mechanics pdf
  • Donald Matos, Cristian Valerio, Fluid Mechanics and Pipe Flow pdf
  • C.P. Kothandaraman, R. Rudramoorthy, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery pdf
  • Katate Masatsuka, I do like CFD, Vol. 1: Governing Equations and Exact Solutions pdf
  • Dmitri Kuzmin, A Guide to Numerical Methods for Transport Equations pdf
  • Tara Chklovski, Pointed-tip Wings at low Reynolds Numbers, link
  • R. I. Lewis, Vortex Element Methods for Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Systems, pdf
  • Pradip Majumdar, Computational Methods for Heat and Mass Transfer, pdf
  • HK Versteeg, W Malalasekera, An introduction to computational fluid dynamics: the finite volume method, pdf
  • Anderson, Lohn David (1995), "Computational fluid dynamics: the basics with applications", McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Books  Genick bar-meir, Books from Potto Project:  Basics of Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals of Die Casting Design, Other Material by Bar-Meir link
  • Pattrick H. Oosthuizen, David Naylor, Introduction to Convective Heat Transfer Analysis, William C Brown Pub | 1998-08-28 | ISBN: 0070482012 | 624 pages pdf
  • Pattrick H. Oosthuizen, David Naylor, An introduction to Single phase convective heat transfer analysis, 2007, pdf
  • Abdulnaser Sayma, Computational Fluid Dynamics, pdf

  • Suhas V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, 1980 (*****)
  • Massey B S., Van Nostrand Reinhold, Mechanics of Fluids.
  • Douglas J F, Gasiorek J M, and Swaffield J A, Longman, Fluid Mechanics.
  • Featherstone R E and Nalluri C, Blackwell Science, Civil Engineering Hydraulics
  • Chadwick A, and Morfett J., E & FN Spon - Chapman & Hall, Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • S. Childress, An introduction to theorertical fluid mechanics
  • D. J. Acheson, Elementary Fluid Dynamics, Oxford University Press, 1990.
  • I. G. Currie, Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids
  • D. J. Tritton, Physical fluid dynamics  
  • Kundu and Cohen, Fluid Mechanics
  • T. E. Faber, Fluid dynamics for physicists 
  • L.M. Milne-Thomson, Theoretical hydrodynamics
  • Ionut Danaila, Pascal Joly, Sidi Mahmoud Kaber & Marie Postel, An Introduction to  Scientific Computing: Twelve computational projects solved with MATLAB, Springer, New York, 2006 link
  • Peyret, R., 1996. Handbook of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Academic Press Limited, USA, link
  •  Landau and Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanis (2nd Ed.), Pergamon Press 1987.
  • Milne-Thomson, L.M. Theoretical Hydrodynamics, McMillan (5th Ed.)
  • Lighthill, M.J. An Informal Introduction to Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, Clarendon Press,1986.
  • Meyer, An Introduction to Mathematical Fluids Dynamics, Dover, 1971.
  • Batchelor, G.K. Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge Univsrsity Press, 1967.
  • Prandtl, L. Essentials of Fluid Dynamics, Hafner, 1952.
  • Courant and Freidrichs, Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, Interscience, 1948.
  • Lamb, Hydrodynamics (6th Ed.), Cambridge University Press, 1932
  • White, F. Fluid Mechanics. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2002. ISBN: 9780072831801.
  • Smits, A. J. A Physical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1999. ISBN: 978047125349

  • Process Simulation and Control Using Aspen, pdf
  • Chemical Process Modelling and Computer Simulation, pdf


  • Rolf Rannacher, Finite Element Methods for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, pdf

  • Robert BridsonA K Peters, Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics, 2008, link

GNU Octave: opensource numerical computations

GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems, and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation. Octave is normally used through its interactive command line interface, but it can also be used to write non-interactive programs. The Octave language is quite similar to Matlab so that most programs are easily portable.

Friday, December 13, 2013

OpenFOAM/ Paraview: sources

  1. OpenFOAM (foundation),
  2. OpenFOAM (ESI),
  3. OpenFOAM wiki,
  4. FoamCFD,
  5. OpenFOAM Chalmers,
  6. Sourceforge 
  7. Polytechnic University of Milan, Aeroservoelasticity 
  8. OpenFOAM related source,
  9. Chalmers, basic of C++ in OpenFOAM,
  10. Basics of C++ and object orientation in OpenFOAM,
  1. Source Pack, installation, install paraview,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Post-processing: ParaView

ParaView: open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application
It works well with both solid and fluid modelling

Monday, December 9, 2013

CAE/FEA/CFD blog/ Group/ Forum/ personal pages


  • Dr. Tao Xing, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department,University of Idaho

PhD Comics,

Society of Robots,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

High Performance Computing (HPC)


  • GPU 
  • CUDA 

HPCVL, Canada:
HPC Group, Barcelona:
Adaptive Computing, HPC & Cloud,
Centro de Ciencias de la Computación, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
NUS, Computer Centre

TOP 500 supercomputers  

Friday, December 6, 2013

CFD / Multiphysics / CAE Tools / FSI/ Software / Code

CFD Softwares, FSI Softwares

  • Fluent, 
  • Airpak
  • CFX (Thermal, CFD, FEM, FSI,
  • Polyflow
CD-adapco :  Star-CD, Star-CCM+
  • CFD-ACE+
  • CFD-VisCART, adaptive Cartesian mesh generation
  • OpenFOAM (open source) (*****)
    DEFORM   Simulation of machining: milling, turning, die, heat treatment, vivet
    • DEFORM-2D
    • DEFORM-3D
    • DEFORM Modules
    ADINA   Thermal, CFD, FEM, FSI, Multiphysics, TMC
    Trelis  [Computational Simulation Software, LLC (csimsoft)] :
    CONVERGE™ [Convergent Science]
    COMSOL, Multiphysics,
    FloTHERM, Flowmaster, FloVENT [Mentor Graphics
    Abaqus Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian
    GexCon AS: FLACS (explosion),
    Numeca (Rotary, turbine, Marine, mesh, ),
    • FINE/ Marine
    FlowVision CFD system,russian/
    NX Flow

    ASCOMP Zurich  TransAT ,
    AVL FIRE (thermo-fluid, engine)
    CHEMKIN, CHEMKIN-CFD [Reaction design] (chemistry simulation)
    Loci/Chem  3D flows of turbulent
    FIDAP (Fluid Dynamics International Inc.)
    Code Saturne [EDF R&D] (open source)
    PressMap Pressoure data interpolator CFD
    cybo Simple 2d unstructured CFD solver

    Cosmic, NASA
    OOFEM, free finite element code,

    ColyX [Evolutionary Engineering AG] (high performance Fluid-Structure Interaction)

    OpenPALM  [Onera] (open source)
    OpenFlower, CFD (C++)
    EasyCFD_G (CFD)

    Windsim, (Wind simulation, wind energy)
    WindStation Wind flow

    MSC Software
    • Sinda: Advanced Thermal
    • Marc: Advanced Nonlinear & Multiphysics
    • Dytran: Explicit Nonlinear & Fluid Structure Interaction
    FLACS (detonation, blast)
    ECLIPSE Industry Reference Reservoir Simulator, Schlumberger,
    LES additional module,
    PumpLinx, Simerics Inc,

    SPHYSICS, 2D SPH open-source code,

    WFDS (open-source), Wildland-Urban Fire Models,

    Dassault Systèmes:
    Dassault Systèmesthe extreme mesher
    Daat Research Corp.: Coolit (thermal management)
    Siemens (Femap Flow, UGS)

    Thursday, December 5, 2013

    Meshing Tools

    Mesh Generation & Grid Generation on the Web,

    Gmsh (free):   (developed by Christophe Geuzaine, Jean-François Remacle)
    Cubit Mesh generation:  
    Meshlab (free, 3D triangular meshes)
    Morphing and shape optimization (for Ansys)
    El Topo, Robust Topological Operations for Dynamic Explicit Surfaces
    Chimera Grid Tools 

    Wednesday, December 4, 2013

    Post-processing: FloVIZ Viewer

    Free Post-processing tools for FloTHERM, FloTHERM PCB, FloVENT products from Mentor Graphics

    Tuesday, December 3, 2013

    Window command line

    All Windows CMD command line, short description
    To move to other hard drive:  just type your drive  >>  C: (for C drive)   or D: (for D drive)

       ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV file
       ADmodcmd Active Directory Bulk Modify
       ARP      Address Resolution Protocol
       ASSOC    Change file extension associations•
       ASSOCIAT One step file association
       AT       Schedule a command to run at a specific time
       ATTRIB   Change file attributes
       BCDBOOT  Create or repair a system partition
       BCDEDIT  Manage Boot Configuration Data
       BITSADMIN Background Intelligent Transfer Service
       BOOTCFG  Edit Windows boot settings
       BROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC info
       CACLS    Change file permissions
       CALL     Call one batch program from another•
       CERTREQ  Request certificate from a certification authority
       CERTUTIL Utility for certification authority (CA) files and services
       CD       Change Directory - move to a specific Folder•
       CHANGE   Change Terminal Server Session properties
       CHKDSK   Check Disk - check and repair disk problems
       CHKNTFS  Check the NTFS file system
       CHOICE   Accept keyboard input to a batch file
       CIPHER   Encrypt or Decrypt files/folders
       CleanMgr Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin
       CLEARMEM Clear memory leaks
       CLIP     Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard
       CLS      Clear the screen•
       CLUSTER  Windows Clustering
       CMD      Start a new CMD shell
       CMDKEY   Manage stored usernames/passwords
       COLOR    Change colors of the CMD window•
       COMP     Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
       COMPACT  Compress files or folders on an NTFS partition
       COMPRESS Compress individual files on an NTFS partition
       CON2PRT  Connect or disconnect a Printer
       CONVERT  Convert a FAT drive to NTFS
       COPY     Copy one or more files to another location•
       CSCcmd   Client-side caching (Offline Files)
       CSVDE    Import or Export Active Directory data 
       DATE     Display or set the date•
       DEFRAG   Defragment hard drive
       DEL      Delete one or more files•
       DELPROF  Delete user profiles
       DELTREE  Delete a folder and all subfolders
       DevCon   Device Manager Command Line Utility 
       DIR      Display a list of files and folders•
       DIRUSE   Display disk usage
       DISKPART Disk Administration
       DISKSHADOW Volume Shadow Copy Service
       DNSSTAT  DNS Statistics
       DOSKEY   Edit command line, recall commands, and create macros
       DriverQuery Display installed device drivers
       DSACLs   Active Directory ACLs
       DSAdd    Add items to active directory (user group computer) 
       DSGet    View items in active directory (user group computer)
       DSQuery  Search for items in active directory (user group computer)
       DSMod    Modify items in active directory (user group computer)
       DSMove   Move an Active directory Object
       DSRM     Remove items from Active Directory
       ECHO     Display message on screen•
       ENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch file•
       ERASE    Delete one or more files•
       EVENTCREATE Add a message to the Windows event log
       EXIT     Quit the current script/routine and set an errorlevel•
       EXPAND   Uncompress files
       EXTRACT  Uncompress CAB files
       FC       Compare two files
       FIND     Search for a text string in a file
       FINDSTR  Search for strings in files
       FOR /F   Loop command: against a set of files•
       FOR /F   Loop command: against the results of another command•
       FOR      Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List•
       FORFILES Batch process multiple files
       FORMAT   Format a disk
       FREEDISK Check free disk space (in bytes)
       FSUTIL   File and Volume utilities
       FTP      File Transfer Protocol
       FTYPE    File extension file type associations•
       GETMAC   Display the Media Access Control (MAC) address
       GLOBAL   Display membership of global groups
       GOTO     Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line•
       GPRESULT Display Resultant Set of Policy information
       GPUPDATE Update Group Policy settings
       HELP     Online Help
       HOSTNAME Display the host name of the computer
       iCACLS   Change file and folder permissions
       IF       Conditionally perform a command•
       IFMEMBER Is the current user a member of a Workgroup
       IPCONFIG Configure IP
       KILL     Remove a program from memory
       LABEL    Edit a disk label
       LOCAL    Display membership of local groups
       LOGEVENT Write text to the event viewer
       LOGMAN   Manage Performance Monitor
       LOGOFF   Log a user off
       LOGTIME  Log the date and time in a file
       MAPISEND Send email from the command line
       MBSAcli  Baseline Security Analyzer
       MEM      Display memory usage
       MD       Create new folders•
       MKLINK   Create a symbolic link (linkd) •
       MODE     Configure a system device
       MORE     Display output, one screen at a time
       MOUNTVOL Manage a volume mount point
       MOVE     Move files from one folder to another•
       MOVEUSER Move a user from one domain to another
       MSG      Send a message
       MSIEXEC  Microsoft Windows Installer
       MSINFO32 System Information
       MSTSC    Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
       MV       Copy in-use files
       NET      Manage network resources
       NETDOM   Domain Manager
       NETSH    Configure Network Interfaces, Windows Firewall & Remote access
       NETSVC   Command-line Service Controller
       NBTSTAT  Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
       NETSTAT  Display networking statistics (TCP/IP)
       NOW      Display the current Date and Time 
       NSLOOKUP Name server lookup
       NTBACKUP Backup folders to tape
       NTRIGHTS Edit user account rights
       OPENFILES Query or display open files
       PATH     Display or set a search path for executable files•
       PATHPING Trace route plus network latency and packet loss
       PAUSE    Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message•
       PERMS    Show permissions for a user
       PERFMON  Performance Monitor
       PING     Test a network connection
       POPD     Return to a previous directory saved by PUSHD•
       PORTQRY  Display the status of ports and services
       POWERCFG Configure power settings
       PRINT    Print a text file
       PRINTBRM Print queue Backup/Recovery
       PRNCNFG  Display, configure or rename a printer
       PRNMNGR  Add, delete, list printers set the default printer
       PROMPT   Change the command prompt•
       PsExec     Execute process remotely
       PsFile     Show files opened remotely
       PsGetSid   Display the SID of a computer or a user
       PsInfo     List information about a system
       PsKill     Kill processes by name or process ID
       PsList     List detailed information about processes
       PsLoggedOn Who's logged on (locally or via resource sharing)
       PsLogList  Event log records
       PsPasswd   Change account password
       PsPing     Measure network performance
       PsService  View and control services
       PsShutdown Shutdown or reboot a computer
       PsSuspend  Suspend processes
       PUSHD    Save and then change the current directory•
       QGREP    Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
       Query Process    Display processes (TS/Remote Desktop)
       Query Session    Display all sessions (TS/Remote Desktop)
       Query TermServer List all servers (TS/Remote Desktop)
       Query User       Display user sessions (TS/Remote Desktop)
       RASDIAL  Manage RAS connections
       RASPHONE Manage RAS connections
       RECOVER  Recover a damaged file from a defective disk
       REG      Registry: Read, Set, Export, Delete keys and values
       REGEDIT  Import or export registry settings
       REGSVR32 Register or unregister a DLL
       REGINI   Change Registry Permissions
       REM      Record comments (remarks) in a batch file•
       REN      Rename a file or files•
       REPLACE  Replace or update one file with another
       Reset Session  Delete a Remote Desktop Session
       RD       Delete folder(s)•
       RMTSHARE Share a folder or a printer
       ROBOCOPY Robust File and Folder Copy
       ROUTE    Manipulate network routing tables
       RUN      Start | RUN commands
       RUNAS    Execute a program under a different user account
       RUNDLL32 Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)
       SC       Service Control
       SCHTASKS Schedule a command to run at a specific time
       SCLIST   Display Services
       SET      Display, set, or remove session environment variables•
       SETLOCAL Control the visibility of environment variables•
       SETX     Set environment variables
       SFC      System File Checker 
       SHARE    List or edit a file share or print share
       ShellRunAs Run a command under a different user account
       SHIFT    Shift the position of batch file parameters•
       SHORTCUT Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file)
       SHOWGRPS List the Workgroups a user has joined
       SHOWMBRS List the Users who are members of a Workgroup
       SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer
       SLEEP    Wait for x seconds
       SLMGR    Software Licensing Management (Vista/2008)
       SOON     Schedule a command to run in the near future
       SORT     Sort input
       START    Start a program, command or batch file•
       SU       Switch User
       SUBINACL Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain
       SUBST    Associate a path with a drive letter
       SYSTEMINFO List system configuration
       TAKEOWN  Take ownership of a file
       TASKLIST List running applications and services
       TASKKILL Remove a running process from memory
       TIME     Display or set the system time•
       TIMEOUT  Delay processing of a batch file
       TITLE    Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session•
       TLIST    Task list with full path
       TOUCH    Change file timestamps    
       TRACERT  Trace route to a remote host
       TREE     Graphical display of folder structure
       TSDISCON Disconnect a Remote Desktop Session
       TSSHUTDN Remotely shut down or reboot a terminal server
       TYPE     Display the contents of a text file•
       TypePerf Write performance data to a log file
       USRSTAT  List domain usernames and last login
       VER      Display version information•
       VERIFY   Verify that files have been saved•
       VOL      Display a disk label•
       WAITFOR  Wait for or send a signal
       WEVTUTIL Clear event logs, enable/disable/query logs
       WHERE    Locate and display files in a directory tree
       WHOAMI   Output the current UserName and domain
       WINDIFF  Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
       WINMSDP  Windows system report
       WINRM    Windows Remote Management
       WINRS    Windows Remote Shell
       WMIC     WMI Commands
       WUAUCLT  Windows Update
       XCACLS   Change file and folder permissions
       XCOPY    Copy files and folders